We’re getting Enagage.
Samresh kumar & Richa kumari

on December 26th 2022,

About Us

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Bride’s story


  • They're Your Best Friend You shouldn't just love the person you're with — you should truly like them, too. ...
  • They Teach You Something New ...
  • You Trust Each Other Fully ...
  • You Appreciate Staying In Together
  • You Bring Out The Best in Each Other


Order to build a solid foundation for your marriage, treat your engagement as a practice round for lifelong partnership, and make everything involving your wedding a joint effort. Although the process will ultimately be a collaboration, there are certain tasks that traditionally fall to the groom. We spoke with industry experts Katy Eriks and Jerod Walburn to dive deeper into these groom duties.


  • Emotionally mature.
  • Acknowledges your flaws.
  • Manages conflicts well.
  • Prioritises your relationship.
  • Trustworthy.
  • Considers you in major and little decisions.

Our Program

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Bachelor Party

Whether you stick with bachelor party traditions or not, any bach can be a blast, as long as you get the right people together and plan something that fits the style of your best bud. We're sharing a step-by-step guide to help bring whatever wonderful celebration you have in mind to life.


A celebration in a family gives pleasure to all the Members of the family. Friends and relatives also attend the occasion and share the pleasure. Pleasure multiplies when there is a wedding in the family. I drew immense pleasure when the marriage ceremony of my cousin was held.

Cocktail Dinner

Social gathering, often held during the cocktail hour, at which cocktails and other alcoholic beverages, hors d'oeuvres, and canapés are served.


Typically, the banquet will include a speech from the parents, the best man, the maid of honor, and the guest speaker. There will be cake cutting, toasts, a tea ceremony, and dancing.

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